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mckayla mitchell house Posted on Sep 21, 2014
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Why do goats have to be milked every day?

All they do is spray, wipe and milk a little bit in a cup and get a big bucket and then start getting more milk every sqeeze.

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  • Posted on Jan 28, 2015
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So they will continue to produce milk.

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I'm guessing this is a table top machine. If so then I take your meaning of "Blowing Off" as in turning off or running out of steam. The table top steamers usually found on home units do not have the capacity to froth large mugs like a "Venti" 20 oz cups. You will have to wait for the boiler to re-heat. It's best to heat a smaller cup of cold milk, pour the milk into the venti and make a 2nd batch again with cold milk. (It's hard to re-froth hot milk).
* check your steam wand tip if it's plugged with old milk. Soaking the wand in warm water overnite will help soften the milk which can be blow out when you make steam again. If you make a lot of milk drinks, it's a good idea to give the wand a blast of steam, then a good wipe with a damp cloth to keep milk residue off the wand.
* It's also possible your steam heater is starting to clog up. If you find that it gets slower and less steam with time then the steamer will need to be replaced. Check your warranty and call for service.
* Please update question with brand and model if you want more help.
Aloha, ukeboy57

Cleaning the interior, especially the bottom where heated milk gets burned on.

90% of all my service calls were due to machines that were not cleaned DAILY. About a third of those were for espresso machines with a steamer and the rest for auto frothers. Most Barista's don't use auto frothers as they have very little control over the frothed milk. (Heat, froth density, firmness, holding, etc.) Milk(any type) will clog a machine in minutes if not cleaned up after use. Spoiled milk will contaminate any product with curds and have a bad smell to coffee.
* Clean up after any milk usage. Seconds count after frothing milk with a steam wand. Get workers in the habit of removing milk pitcher from wand and give the wand a short blast to flush the wand and wipe with a damp towel (tower wash and sanitized often) Leave the folded (quartered fold) next to wand on drain tray where it's always handy.) It only takes seconds to perform and customers appreciate the cleanliness and professional look.
* take a tip from Bartender's; you HAVE TO WASH WITH DETERGENT! when washing glasses that had milk drinks in them. Nobody want's a sour milk smell in any drink. Milk film can only be removed with soap and water and a brush. That's why you see automatic cup washers on every bar set up. It does take elbow grease to get these cups clean.
* Harden, cooked milk (coffee to) is best soaked in clean water (detergent optional) and let it sit over nite. This is a good practice to keep everything coffee/milk stain free as everything is washed/rinsed prior to use in the morning.
* Really, really baked on coffee (left burning on warmer for several days, weeks. Will need an urn cleaner to soak and wash out several times. Check with your coffee vendor as most will just swap them out with clean ones. Otherwise ask for urn cleaner from them and follow instructions. Hot water with a tablespoon of urn cleaner for each pot and let soak over nite. wash and rinse thoroughly prior to use.
"Washa-washa!" Aloha! ukeboy57

How does soy milk compare to whole milk as far as nutrition goes?

Let's take a look at the different nutritional values of soy milk compared to whole milk:

Calories- soy milk has fewer calories than whole milk per cup (about 40 calories less per cup).

Fat- soy milk contains 3.5 grams of fat per cup (8 oz.), while whole milk contains 8 grams of fat per cup (8 oz.)

Cholesterol- soy milk contains no cholesterol, while whole milk contains 24 mg cholesterol per cup.

Both soy milk and whole milk contain high amount of calcium per cup that provides about 30-35 percent of the RDA.

Protein- Soy milk has about 5 grams of protein per cup, while whole milk has 8 grams of protein per cup.

Feb 04, 2013 • Cooking

Coffee maker not frothing milk

The tube on the "ball assembly" which connects to the "milk" tank may be missing an O-ring. If this O-ring is missing, the steam will only siphon a little bit of milk because there is no seal. If it is working properly, the siphon can fill be expected to fill a cup in about 30 -60 seconds.

Francis francis milk steamer not operating

Steamer tubes can get plugged up with dried milk and/or calified water deposits in the tube.
With the machine unplugged, turn the tube up to check it, Clean it with a small guage wire.
Soak it in a small cup of vinegar, if needed.
Further cleaning, you can add a bit of vinegar to the water and steam it thru...
Let me know how it goes.

New Rancilio Silva - steamed milk not perfect

please relay on your experience realizing that you now have new steam pipe(with different holes in the end of it and different pressure)
you will need to get use to them and get maximum quality of that steam pipe.
my advice:
  1. every time hold your hand in the bottom of milk container, so that you will prevent overheating which often gives the result you mentioned.
  2. every time you use cold milk.

Frothe the milk?

he trick to this is making sure you have steam comming out of the wand and not water. To do this, make sure you get the steam started before you begin. To get a light foam that will not deflate, hold the wand just under the surface of the milk. You should hear a steady, high pitched noise and you should not hear the splatter of bubbles popping on the surface. Popping noises mean that the wand is too high in the milk and your froth will not hold up. A low pitched noise from the cup means that the wand is too far down in the milk. This will heat your milk (for hot chocolate), but will not give you a good foam. Good luck!
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